A desert country sets green targets

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Morocco is urgently looking for ways to cope with a changing climate, and environmental concerns are now high up on the country's political agenda. That has led to massive climate adaptation and protection projects, such as the world's largest solar power plant which is being built near the city of Ouarzazate in the south of the country. But in villages and towns, it's smaller initiatives that are making a difference. Local residents have seen their lives altered dramatically as a result of climate change effects such as droughts and floods.

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07:07 Minutes

Date of publication


Solar Power Plant Ouarzazate Morocco

Global Ideas

Global Ideas
The television reports and documentaries of Deutsche Welle's 'Global Ideas' media project provide people all over the world with information on model projects which implement biodiversity and climate protection. The media project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety through the International Climate Initiative.

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