Hotspots Analysis (HSA) methodological framework

01/2018 | Guideline

Hotspots analysis is being used around the world to address significant sustainability challenges by helping to provide focus in an era of information overload. This Methodological Framework aims to support those wishing to commission, conduct or use hotspots analysis studies in a life cycle context, including the support of stakeholders of the 10YFP in their efforts to prioritize their actions to accelerate a shift towards Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). It aims to be equally applicable to businesses, government, as well as individual researchers and other organisations (i.e., NGOs and academic institutions). As a framework, rather than a standard, it provides a degree of flexibility to enable hotspots analysis to be used in differing circumstances. The publication presents HSA with methodology and guidance and aims to provide a consistent approach to hotspots analysis. As an action-oriented methodology, the key outcome is to identify where the greatest opportunity for improvement against an impact occurs. Case studies are provided in this document.

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