New Call for proposals: IKI enhances bilateral cooperation with Colombia

We are currently seeking for project proposals aimed at decarbonising the energy sector and on landscape restoration.
As part of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the international community agreed that all countries must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, wealthier nations should support economically weaker ones in this endeavour. This creates a win-win situation for everyone, as fewer floods, storms or droughts result in less damage to infrastructure and fewer losses in agriculture, among other benefits. This not only saves human lives but also helps to secure trade partnerships and livelihoods.
A similar principle applies to biodiversity conservation. Restoring and strengthening healthy ecosystems contributes to a stable global climate and secures important ecosystem services for society. In 2022, the new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was established for the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity. It outlines a set of objectives and strategies to significantly slow down and finally reverse the decline in biodiversity by 2030.
The Paris Agreement and the GBF form the framework on which the International Climate Initiative (IKI) strategically focuses its funding.
IKI Country Call Colombia begins on 29 May 2024
In light of the global objectives outlined in both agreements, the bilateral funding referred to as "IKI Country Call with Colombia" is scheduled for launch on Wednesday, 29 May 2024.
Within the country calls, the IKI collaboratively develops the key topics with the respective partner government, spanning from definition of the topics to project selection and implementation support.
In the first phase of the funding call, planned as an ideas competition, project ideas are sought in two key thematic priorities. The most promising outlines will be selected, developed and funded under each of the following thematic priority:
1. Roll-out of renewable energies and economic diversification for a just coal phase-out
The IKI will promote energy transition in Colombia. The key components of the project ideas are on the decarbonisation of the energy sector and the diversification of the energy mix that is currently heavily reliant on fossil fuels.
The IKI thus supports the country in achieving its climate action goals as committed on the international stage. In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Colombia has committed to the mitigation of its greenhouse gas emissions by 51 percent by 2030 compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The country has also announced that it is aiming at greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 via its long-term strategy (LTS).
2. Landscape-scale restoration as an economic and multifunctional nature-based solution for peace
The IKI will additionally fund the restoration of functional landscapes and foster healthy ecosystems and thus contribute to long-term peace. The focus is on deforestation hotspots, strategic ecoregions and protected areas in the Colombian massif. The aim is to create resilient ecosystems that will provide vital resources and improve the quality of life for the local population, especially women and girls, Afro-Colombians, indigenous peoples and former militants. In addition, biodiversity-promoting economic systems and community-based preservation processes are to be developed to sustainably support Colombia's national climate and biodiversity targets.
The Colombian government sees the restoration, conservation and sustainable utilisation of the ecosystems as a key to coping with the effects of climate change while promoting peace and stability.
Achieving maximum impact for climate action and biodiversity conservation
The German government aims to maximise the impact of its funding through the IKI for climate and biodiversity protection. To achieve this goal, it focuses its funding on selected partner countries and prioritised fields of action:
Colombia is one of 14 priority countries of the IKI. These priority countries make up almost 50 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and host 25 of the global biodiversity hotspots. This means that IKI projects may be particularly effective in these areas.
The two key thematic priorities identified for the Country Call Colombia are also among the prioritised fields of action outlined in the IKI strategy 2030.
Details on the IKI Country Call Colombia
The ideas competition for the IKI Country Call Colombia begins on 29 Mai 2024 and ends on 3 September 2024.
Applications are open to non-governmental organisations, universities, research institutions and commercial companies (in the non-profit-making sector) from Germany and abroad. Additionally implementing organisations of the Federal Republic of Germany, institutions in the partner country, and international intergovernmental organisations and institutions are eligible to apply.
Full details on the application procedure can be found here.
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IKI Office
Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Stresemannstraße 69-71
10963 Berlin
All details on the IKI Country Call Colombia
Click here for all information on the IKI Country Call Colombia.
Online Seminar
On Thursday, 4 July 2024, we will provide an online seminar to give interested organisations an idea of what makes a good project outline.
Register now!
The IKI in Colombia
Here you will find an overview of the IKI's project work in Colombia.