
IKI Thematic oriented selection procedure at COP 25

The IKI will be presenting its current thematic selection procedure on December 10 at the COP 25 in Madrid. Implementing organisations can submit their theme-specific programme outlines by 19 March 2020.

The IKI will be presenting its current thematic oriented selection procedure at the COP 25 on 10 December. The panel discussion in the German Pavilion with BMU representatives, political partners and experts will highlight the main themes of the selection procedure. Two main focal points of the event will be the “Conservation and restoration of peatland ecosystems “ and the “Digitalisation of transportation in Asian or Latin American urban areas “. Participants can subsequently question the panel about the application and selection procedures.

13 thematic priorities for climate protection and biodiversity

The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) has launched a global competition to find the best ideas for international climate action. The aim is to support developing and emerging countries in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change and conserve biodiversity. Funding applications are invited for programme outlines in 13 topic areas:

  1. Bringing finance flows into line with the climate targets – implementing Article 2 (1)(c) of the Paris Agreement.
  2. Capacity building to comply with the transparency requirements under the Paris Agreement.
  3. Digitalisation of transport in urban areas of Asia and Latin America.
  4. Alternatives to the introduction of new fossil-based energy infrastructures, especially coal-fired power generation.
  5. Energy efficiency in industrial and production plants, trade and commerce.
  6. Strategic use of cooperative approaches pursuant to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
  7. Establishing climate-friendly production standards and consumption patterns that support biodiversity.
  8. Upscaling, mainstreaming and implementing community based adaptation.
  9. Activities for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, focussing on forests.
  10. Preservation and restoration of peatland ecosystems.
  11. Conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity.
  12. Protection of pollinators and insect diversity.
  13. Capacity building to implement the work programmes of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

A total of 240 million euros are being made available from International Climate Initiative (IKI) funds for projects implementing the Paris Agreement and projects on biological diversity. Most projects will receive between 15 and 20 million euros in funding, but individual smaller projects may also be eligible. To this end, interested organisations can come together in consortiums and submit project outlines jointly. To ensure that results and ideas delivered by the project remain in the country for the long-term, these consortiums must be largely comprised of national implementing agencies. The projects have a maximum duration of 8 years and are aimed at developing new political, economic or regulative approaches, as well as technological options and models for cooperation.

The solutions used must have an impact beyond the projects themselves and must be transferable. Programme outlines can be submitted until 19 March 2020 through the IKI online platform in English.

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