
'Good practice' examples for reducing greenhouse gases

A young female student is learning.
Learning by webinar. Photo: Messay Sintayehu / WRI

Two of the programmes supported by IKI publish a comprehensive analysis of 'good practice' examples for reducing greenhouse gases and present selected case studies in a series of webinars.

The 'Global Good Practice Analysis' (GPA) report documents 40 'good practice' examples of reducing greenhouse gases. The examples show how different measures for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions can be designed and implemented, and provide valuable findings and lessons learned. It focuses on INDCs (intended nationally determined contributions), LEDS (low-emission development strategies), NAMAs (nationally appropriate mitigation actions) and MRV (measuring, reporting and verification systems).

The GPA is a joint initiative by the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV and the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) programme. The aim is to motivate partner countries to develop ambitious climate policies, stimulate the exchange of knowledge between the countries and promote climate change mitigation measures across the globe. The first edition of the GPA was released in 2014 with 21 case studies, and the second edition with 19 additional examples was presented at the end of 2015 on the margins of the climate change negotiations in Paris.

A summary of the key findings, along with a database of all case studies sorted according to various criteria, is available here: http://mitigationpartnership.net/gpa.

Webinar series on GPA 2.0

The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV and the UNDP LECB programme are presenting comprehensive results of the analysis and selected case studies in the coming months in a webinar series.

Dates will be announced on platforms such as the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV website or its Twitter account (@Mitigation_MRV).

The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV was launched during the 2010 Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Bonn, Germany by South Africa, South Korea and Germany in order to promote exchange between the countries on greenhouse gas mitigation strategies around the world. Germany's Federal Environment Ministry is supporting the partnership in its activities through an International Climate Initiative (IKI) project.

The UNDP LECB programme was founded in 2011 by the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to support countries in their climate protection activities. Germany's Federal Environment Ministry helped finance this programme through the IKI.

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