
Development of climate plans for Brazil

Wind turbine in desert
Wind farm of the settlement Palmeiras; Photo: Julia Fassbender/Bundesregierung

IKI supports the Brazilian Ministry of Environment with the implementation of sector-based plans for the mitigation of greenhouse gases.

Brazil is strongly committed to global efforts for decarbonisation, as was announced in the Brazilian-German Joint Statement on Climate Change from August 2015. The country also set itself ambitious goals for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions with its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions - INDCs. The aim is to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 by 37 per cent compared to 2005. Industrially important federal states and cities also support these aims.

Along with a national climate action plan, the government is developing strategies for relevant sectors such as energy, agriculture, industry and mining. These strategies involve sector-based plans that break down the overall national mitigation target into specific targets and measures for various sectors. The implementation of these ambitious targets means the Brazilian Ministry of Environment is faced with a range of new tasks for which it is seeking support and advice.

Germany is supporting the Ministry in the coordination and implementation of the eight existing sector plans. It is helping to build up the technical and personnel capacities of the Ministry, which is responsible for coordinating the plans of the sectoral ministries and the overall national climate policy.

Germany is also advising on the administration of the Brazilian Climate Fund, which was set up in 2009 and has funding amounting to EUR 437 million. Thus far, few requests have been made for the loans for financing projects to accelerate implementation of the national climate policy. By providing advisory services, the project aims to help increase the use of these funds.

The planned emissions registry will be a database for recording the emissions of the individual industrial facilities in the country. The data will form the basis for developing appropriate instruments for mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases. Germany is supporting Brazil in measuring, recording and monitoring its greenhouse gas emissions in order to fill the registry with data.

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