
CD REDD GHG Inventory Training Center in Berlin

Participants from around the world attended a workshop in Berlin in early June to discuss the reduction of greenhouse gases caused by deforestation.

In June, participants from around the world attended a 10-day workshop in Berlin to discuss the reduction of greenhouse gases caused by deforestation. The participants, experts and delegates from Africa and Latin America, came together to share information on and learn more about greenhouse gas inventories.

The CD REDD project, supported by the International Climate Initiative, helps prepare partner countries for their participation in an international mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). The project is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). GIZ is mainly focusing on organising international, regional and national workshops and providing training for experts from developing countries.

The project supports partners in implementing greenhouse gas inventories in accordance with the criteria of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat. The inventories, which are carried out on national level, are an important step for each country in preparation for the future REDD+ mechanism.

During the workshop in Berlin, the participants developed draft reports of their national greenhouse gas inventories. The results will be presented in October 2013 at the Global Conclusion Workshop of the CD-REDD Project in Rome.

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