Best available techniques for Russia
German and Russian experts met in Moscow to discuss the introduction of the 'best available techniques' (BAT) concept.
Around 100 guests took part in a conference at the beginning of October in Moscow on 'Modernising environmental legislation and sharing experiences regarding framework conditions for introducing best available techniques (BAT)'. The event was the kick-off for the project 'Climate friendly economy: Introduction of (BAT)' in Russia by the German Climate Technology Initiative (DKTI). The project is being funded with EUR 6.5 million as part of the German Environment Ministry's International Climate Initiative (IKI) and will run for four years.
The goal of the conference was to provide information to high-ranking representatives from politics, business and environmental groups on the current status of BAT in Russia. The participants, who came from Germany and Russia, also used practical examples from Germany as a basis for discussing the challenges and opportunities in terms of implementing BAT in an economically efficient way.
Back in July 2014, Russia passed an environmental protection law, which provides for, among other things, the introduction of BAT and new environmental permit processes for emission-intensive industry sectors.
The concept of best available techniques (BAT) involves setting benchmarks and binding requirements for sustainable production across Europe. Accordingly, in the European Union the granting of permits for operating industrial installations with particular environmental relevance must be based on BAT. This also applies to older, existing installations. These techniques are set out on a sector-specific basis in BAT reference documents, the so-called BREFs.
In order for the conference to cover as many thematic areas of interest as possible, the speakers included administrative experts from both countries as well as representatives of the industrial chemical, cement, energy, iron and steel sectors in Germany.
The DKTI project will continue the successful work carried out by the IKI-funded GIZ regional programme 'Capacity development for climate policy in the Western Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'.
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