A new structure for global challenges

Due to the restructuring at the beginning of the 2021 legislative session, three ministries are working together in the IKI. An overview of the priorities and competences of the individual ministries.

The German Federal Government restructured its operations at the beginning of the 2021 legislative session. The responsibilities for international climate action and the conservation of biodiversity have now been allocated to four ministries: the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Addressing the climate crisis requires a coordinated effort across all policymaking domains and their respective departments. By entrusting this task to these four ministries, the Federal Government underscores the importance of international climate action, aiming to confront this global challenge with the collective expertise and capabilities of multiple teams.

Three IKI ministries with individual strengths

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) plays a significant role in the Federal Government’s international financial commitments. Starting from 2022, the IKI is coordinated by the BMWK and implemented in collaboration with the AA and BMUV. Each of these three ministries have respective focus areas and competencies that are synergistically pooled when addressing IKI-related topics.

Robert Habeck gives a speech.
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck at the NDC conference.

Climate change mitigation cannot succeed solely at national level – sustainable economic development and the achievement of international climate targets require collaborative efforts. Consequently, BMWK work primarily revolve around extending support to IKI partner countries in their endeavours to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Key sectors of focus include the energy, manufacturing and transport sectors, in addition to respective country’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The IKI is driving the ambitious development and implementation of NDCs on a global scale. Further emphasis is placed on climate change mitigation financing and forging partnership with the private sector to protect the climate. Through these avenues, the BMWK capitalizes on its domestic competencies while channelling its expertise towards international climate protection initiatives within the scope of the IKI.

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke stands with 7 other people in front of a trade fair wall. They all point to the text "Committed to biodiversity".
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke with the IKI team at the German booth at the UN World Conference on Nature in Montreal.

The BMUV activities include the protection, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity, along with nature-based climate change mitigation. Preserving and restoring of natural carbon sinks, such as forests and peatlands with carbon storage capacity, holds significant potential for alleviating carbon burdens. Furthermore, the BMUV’s efforts extend to climate change adaptation, with a particular emphasis on national adaptation plans (NAPs) and nature-based solutions (NbS), which leverage ecosystems and their services as adaptation measures. Additionally, resource efficiency and the promotion of a circular economy constitute vital undertakings within the realm of the IKI for the BMUV.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stands with a man in front of a model of Palau. many people stand in the background.
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visits Palau: Kevin Mesebeluu, IKI-project implementation manager of Rare in Palau, discusses Rare’s work with fishers from the Melekeok community to build the community’s climate resilience.

The AA is instrumental in several crucial domains, encompassing climate diplomacy, climate negotiations and climate finance, and strategic support for bilateral climate cooperation. A key part of the latter involves Germany’s establishment of climate partnerships with many countries worldwide. Another significant focal point pertains to a proactive approach in addressing geopolitical and security-related impacts of climate and biodiversity crises. This proactive stance aims to optimally mitigate both medium- and long-term consequences of climate change while developing suitable strategies for handling the climate-related security policy challenges. Additionally, substantial efforts are directed towards involving civil society and various non-governmental actors in the formation of progressive alliances.

Improving cooperation on climate and biodiversity

This joint implementation involving three government departments signals the political importance of the IKI, leading to enhanced collaboration and coordination among the BMWK, BMUV and AA in terms of international climate policy. This outcome stems from the establishment of efficient process and the fostering of more intensive dialogue. These measures not only facilitating the strategic steering of the IKI but, above all, ensure continuity for current and future projects. The four key funding areas of the IKI will be retained, along with the funding call format and the integrative project approaches. Zukunft - Umwelt - Gesellschaft gGmbH (ZUG) will continue to serve as project management agency for the IKI.

Well-equipped for the future

Despite this comprehensive transformation, the IKI managed to disburse 99.6 percent of its budget during this period (other key figures from 2022).

Across various levels, the activities carried out in 2022 laid substantial groundwork for future challenges. As such, the year 2023 marks the outset of this new collaboration aimed at innovatively advancing the IKI development. As an example, the IKI Safeguards Policy and exclusion criteria came into effect at the beginning of the year. Furthermore the IKI has formulated a Gender Action Plan and is currently in the process of drafting a comprehensive, interdepartmental strategy. Lastly, in 2023, the IKI is celebrating its 15th anniversary. An overview of related events can be accessed in the 15th Anniversary Special on the IKI website.

IKI Annual Report 2022

This article is part of the IKI Annual Report 2022. Learn more about the IKI Year 2022 ...

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