Thematic Call 2017/2018
The selection of project ideas from the Thematic Call for project outlines 2017/2018 has been completed.
Ideas for projects with a funding volume of 5 to 20 million euros each for a total of 10 thematic priorities were requested. Submissions were possible from 20 July 2017 to 17 October 2017.
We received 267 project ideas from which 13 outlines were selected. All participants were informed in writing about the results. The consortia of the 13 selected project outlines were invited to submit a detailed project proposal.
Until the final approval of the project proposals, there is no claim for funding. Funding is dependent on the review of the application and the budget availability.
IKI Office
Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Stresemannstraße 69-71
10963 Berlin
Phone hours:
Tuesdays 1 pm-3 pm (CEST/CET)
Thursdays 10 am-12 pm (CEST/CET)
Thematic priorities and selected outlines
More detailed information on the selected project outlines can be found below.
At the end of this page you can find the documents for the ideas competition.
Documents on the selection procedure
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