FAQ for IKI Medium Grants 2024

Promotional banner for the 'IKI Medium Grants 2024' funding instrument by the International Climate Initiative, featuring hashtags #IKIfunding and #IdeasCompetition. The design includes blue circular patterns and dots on a light background

The following questions are intended to provide an overview of frequently requested topics and content regarding the IKI Medium Grants outline process. For more detailed information, please refer to the funding announcement and the criteria listed therein (Annex I) for the current call for project ideas. In the supporting document, you will also find explanations of the information to be provided in the outline.

Legal and budgetary issues of project implementation are described in more detail in the IMG Administrative Guidelines.

Target groups

North-South cooperation

Requirements for the project idea

Funding of the projects and budget

Review and selection of project outlines

The IKI Office of ZUG supports the BMWK as the project implementing agency in the implementation of the IKI, and is available to answer questions in the context of the ideas competition:

IKI Office
Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Stresemannstraße 69-71

10963 Berlin


Please note that the IKI Office will not be open from 24 December 2024 to 1 January 2025. We will be available for you from 2 January.  

Phone hours:
Tuesdays 1 pm-3 pm (CEST/CET)
Thursdays 10 am-12 pm (CEST/CET)

+49 30 72618 0222

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