Country Call Colombia 2024


The deadline for submitting project outlines for the ideas competition was  3 September 2024, 4 p.m. (CET). One project per thematic priority will be selected. The funding volume provided by the IKI per project can range from 20 to 25 million EUR. 

The IKI would like to thank all the organisations that took part in the ideas competition! We received an impressive 37 applications for both thematic priorities jointly, all of which are currently undergoing a formal review and technical assessment. 

The IKI Ministries are currently exchanging closely with the Colombian partner ministries regarding the outline selection. We are aiming to give feedback to all organisations who have submitted an outline in the first quarter of 2025.


IKI Office
Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Stresemannstraße 69-71

10963 Berlin

Phone hours:
Tuesdays 1 pm-3 pm (CEST/CET)
Thursdays 10 am-12 pm (CEST/CET)

+49 30 72618 0222

Thematic priorities

The following thematic priorities are available:

  1. Roll-out of renewable energies and economic diversification for a just coal phase-out (BMWK)
  2. Landscape-scale restoration as an economic and multifunctional nature-based solution for peace (BMUV)

Relevant information on the ideas competition

In general, projects implemented by organisations from Germany and abroad receive funding through grants. The basis for this is set out in this funding announcement:

Information for implementing organisations of the German Federal Government (for example GIZ or KfW) on how to participate in this ideas competition is provided in the following document (document is available only in German):

Recording of the online seminar

Sharpic IKI country call Colombia. You can see a rainforest. Next to it is IKI Country Call Colombia #IKIfunding #IdeasCompetition

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Online seminar of the Ministerio de Minas y Energía

On 14 August 2024, the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy provided an online seminar on the IKI Country Call Colombia. 


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