Values & Responsibility

Transparency and fairness are core elements of the IKI. It has a variety of instruments, to ensure that these elements are practiced and implemented in each project. These are designed to ensure, among other things, that international environmental and social standards are adhered to in IKI projects and that negative impacts of projects on the environment and people are avoided, minimised or mitigated.  In addition, the IKI exclusion criteria transparently illustrate topics and criteria for which IKI funding is not possible. An independent complaint mechanism gives people who suffer (potential) negative social and/or environmental impacts from IKI projects, or who want to report the improper use of funds, the opportunity to voice their concerns. 

Transparent climate financing helps to further enhance the effectiveness of Germany’s climate finance activities. Therefore the IKI is publishing comprehensive information on ongoing and newly committed projects and programmes in accordance with the IATI standard.

Gender justice is now a central factor for the IKI. The projects will be designed in a way that ensures the prevention and reduction of gender based discrimination. The potential offered by all stakeholders will be utilised to help support climate action and to conserve biodiversity. 


Environmental and social standards (IKI Safeguards)

Illustration: five people discussing. In the background are a world map, a winter bike, nature.

Compliance with international environmental and social standards is ensured through IKI's Environmental and Social Safeguards System.

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Transparency (IATI)

Icon: held up hand into which a euro sign falls

The IKI is publishing comprehensive information on ongoing and newly committed projects and programmes in accordance with the IATI standard.

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Local Action

The IKI strengthens the local embedding of projects: Local Action contributes to the quality of cooperation in IKI projects.

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Independent Complaint Mechanism

Illustration: Two people sitting on the floor, three people discussing with each other and two people shaking hands.

The independent mechanism makes it possible to voice negative consequences of or improper use of funds in IKI projects and to take remedial action.

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IKI Gender Strategy

Illustration: six people are standing on a globe and are discussing; in the background there is a wind turbine and a sunflower.

The IKI Gender Strategy provides a high-level framework for integrating gender justice as a factor at project and programme level.

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Handling of mitigation credits in the IKI

Wind turbines on the open sea and boats sailing in front of them

Requirements to ensure a clear separation between ODA-eligible climate finance funds and the compliance market

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