IKI Annual Report 2022
The year 2022 was a year of change for the International Climate Initiative (IKI). For the first time, three federal ministries are working together to protect the climate and biodiversity within the framework of the IKI.
A new structure for global challenges
Due to the restructuring at the beginning of the 2021 legislative session, three ministries are working together in the IKI. An overview of the priorities and competences of the individual ministries.

The IKI year 2022 in figures
Balance of the year 2022: The IKI once again achieved its ambitious goals despite the restructuring. An overview of the most important figures of the year.
Get to know the most important facts and figures about the IKI in 2022 ...
Partnerships for global climate action

If global warming is still to be limited to 1.5° C, we must intensify our climate action efforts worldwide. Germany is actively working towards this goal through various climate partnerships worldwide, with the IKI playing a crucial role.
Read on for an overview of the IKI's climate partnerships ...
Nature-based solutions as part of the IKI

Nature-based solutions combine the protection of biodiversity with greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation to the impacts of climate change. In doing so, they are usually less expensive than technical solutions and therefore an important component of IKI-funding.
Coping with the impacts of climate change
The rise in the global average temperature can already be felt worldwide. The IKI is using numerous projects and initiatives to support people in affected regions.
Climate Finance Additional Funding Package
Mobilising public and private funds for climate change mitigation (climate finance) plays a key role in limiting global warming – which makes it an important objective for the IKI.
All details on the Climate Finance Additional Funding Package ...
With this amount of additional funding, the IKI is promoting three projects to mobilise public and private climate protection investment.
of additional IKI funds will be allocated to 14 selected ongoing IKI projects and initiatives under the Energy Investment Package for Emerging and Developing Countries.
Energy Investment Package for Emerging and Developing Countries
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) provided an additional 126 million euros for decarbonisation in emerging and developing countries through the IKI in 2022.
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
At the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 15) the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a new global agreement to stop destruction of nature and reverse the trend.
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
The UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration was launched in 2021. Its goals: to stop the destruction and degradation of ecosystems worldwide, to prevent it in the future and to restore ecosystems that have already been damaged.
Selected IKI impacts from 2015-2021
With its standard indicators, the IKI collects data on its most important core topics across projects in order to capture the impact of the funded projects as a whole.
area of ecosystems improved or protected
49 projects reported on this in the data on the Standard Indicators Action Ecosystems and "S2 – Ecosystems".
people directly supported by the project to adapt to climate change or to conserve ecosystems
70 projects reported on this in the data on the Standard Indicator Action People.
“Complaints are a force for good”
The Independent Complaint Mechanism for the IKI (IKI ICM) – a milestone for the IKI – was launched in autumn 2022. We talked to the Head of the Complaint Office, Andrea Kämpf, about an eventful first year.
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