IKI Annual Report 2020 – Active for international climate action

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) made its contribution to global climate and biodiversity protection even under difficult conditions - a review of the year 2020 with six examples of project work.

The global community had drawn up extensive plans for climate action and biodiversity conservation in 2020. The agenda for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow included a number of ambitious updates to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that are central to the Paris Agreement. The 15th UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Kunming (China) was also expected to produce a post-2020 framework to succeed the global Aichi targets. Unfortunately, both conferences were postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the current global health crisis continues to threaten human life, create serious economic problems and derail government engagement in climate action and the conservation of biodiversity. National budgets have been reallocated, travel restrictions imposed and the world placed into lockdown. Globalisation was, almost overnight, brought to a halt. Also affected are projects supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) as well as other funding programmes and initiatives. Cancelled business trips, consultation meetings and workshops have made project work exceptionally difficult. Preventing infection and safeguarding health continue to be a top priority. In addition, in as much as the world has lost greatly because of Covid-19, it has gained in knowledge. All over the world, calls have been made and plans drawn up to make the economic recovery the basis for a continued transition – a sustainable restart. New initiatives and perspectives have arisen that are fostering what is now referred to as the ‘Green Recovery’. IKI has contributed to this discussion and continues to support this work.


Cover IKI Annual Report 2020

IKI Highlights 2020


IKI is grateful to all of its partners for their flexibility and wealth of ideas that have made it possible to fully and thoroughly pursue these project goals.

The 2020 ‘Pandemic Year’ was nonetheless another highly successful year for IKI. Despite many challenges, IKI fully expended its allocated budget, with countless projects being launched, financially topped up or adjusted and extended – with an aim of facilitating employment opportunities for the people in IKI partner countries. The IKI funding pillars were also oriented on managing the consequences of the pandemic in line with the Corona Response Package that provided muchneeded emergency aid. The largest special call for the IKI-funded NAMA Facility can now provide comprehensive support for highly ambitious climate change mitigation projects in developing and emerging countries. This has been and continues to be possible only as a result of all IKI partners working together worldwide. As always, we would like to thank all those who support IKI projects, who breathe life into them and bring them to fruition. Their work is the subject of this IKI annual report published for the first time in the new IKI design.

The IKI in 2020: a retrospective

Despite difficult conditions in 2020, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) continued to make its contribution to global climate action and bio­diversity conservation.

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Chart Important figures of the IKI 2020

Traditional fishing boat on a river

A challenging year for the world

The pandemic as a starting-point for more climate action and biodiversity conservation. An excerpt from the activities by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in the 2020 ‘Pandemic Year’. 

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Practical examples of project work

These practical examples from the four funding areas of the IKI, illustrate the concrete work of the IKI projects in the partner countries. All six projects were supported with additional funds from the IKI Corona Response Package.


[Translate to English:] Setzlinge

Alliances for forest landscapes

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Man with ice blocks in front of solar panels

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Woman with headscarf

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Open source tool to measure climate alignment of financial portfolios

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