Protected area management for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation
Two strategic objectives of the Aichi 2020 targets are to safeguard ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and to increase the resulting benefits for the entire human race. The project supported these twin objectives through the improved governance of protected areas. To this end, it was building up knowledge and capacities for better management of the areas concerned, and developing the “IUCN Green List” as an international standard. The new methods help to protect key areas of biodiversity and for important ecosystem services, helping adapt to the consequences of climate change. The project compiled and disseminated a worldwide portfolio of case studies documenting successful management. Through the IKI Corona Response Package, solutions for a "One Health" approach were integrated into the work with each partner country. Project results were shared to help frame dialogue on the new Post 2020 Global Framework for Biodiversity.
- Countries
- Colombia, Kenya, Peru, Viet Nam
- IKI funding
- 4,368,657.00 €
- Duration
- 11/2015 till 06/2023
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Switzerland
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Viet Nam
- Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEW&NR) - Kenya*
- Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
- Implementing Partner
- GRID-Arendal
- UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Policy advocacy activities led to the recognition of the Green List standard as an indicator to measure progress towards target 3 of the post-2020 biodiversity strategic framework (GBF).
- Until the end of the project, a total of 16 new sites were admitted to the IUCN Green List, summing up to a total of 77 sites in 18 countries. All four project countries – Colombia, Kenya, Peru and Viet Nam – have new sites on the IUCN Green List, through direct support from the project (IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas:
- The project contributed significantly to the development of the governance structure of the PANORAMA partnership.
- The project published an IUCN Green List ‘User Manual’ to guide implementation of the global standard in partner countries with participating protected areas.
- Each of the four project countries has Expert Assessment groups for the Green List trained to evaluate protected and conserved areas against the IUCN Green List Standard on good governance and successful conservation.
- A new IUCN Green List website demonstrating all implementing countries and sites (including project countries and sites) has been launched in 2020.
- In the course of the IKI Corona Response Package, a guidance to help protected area managers prevent, monitor and recover from zoonotic events has been developed and is under consultation.
- Through agreement with the PANORAMA Partnership the PANORAMA Species Conservation thematic community was established. The Species Conservation thematic community has been coordinated by the Global Species Programme (IUCN) and EcoHealth Alliance to curate wildlife and health solutions, particularly in connection with zoonotic disease prevention, surveillance, detection, and intervention.
- Until the end of the project a total of 125 solutions were uploaded in the thematic community. A selection of 20 case studies/solution on zoonotic and one health interventions were published in a PANORAMA solutions in focus publication.
- A global Wildlife Health Solutions Task Force of experts has been implemented, including experts from the IUCN Commissions as well as national and regional experts from partner countries.
- In Viet Nam, an NBSAP for 2020 to 2030, vision to 2050, was officially approved, acknowledging IUCN Green List and OECMs.
- South Vietnam Wildlife, a subcontracted NGO, supported the assessments to mitigate COVID-19 impacts, case studies and promote One Health Principles in the three sites. -- In Peru and Colombia, surveys have been carried out to assess COVID-19 impacts in five protected areas and official information of Effectiveness Evaluations for PAs conducted previously by the environmental authority has been systematized, using indicators related with COVID impacts.
- The governance and management of 10 protected areas which are candidates for the IUCN Green List in Colombia and Peru have been improved in order to contribute to their recovery in a post-COVID scenario. Results include an update of their Green List Action Plans and the implementation of prioritized actions which will be carried out during the last trimester of the project.
- In South America a Regional Zoonosis and One Health event was held with more than 150 participants from over 10 countries.
- Two additional PANORAMA solutions have been developed. One related with good practices of equity and gender in Cerro El Volador (Colombia) and another associated with the application of the 3D mapping participatory process in a protected area of Peru.
- A case study about protected areas and indigenous people in Cordillera Azul National Park, Peru has been developed.The study has been done in the framework of an Alert issued by the communities of the Park regarding ancestral territorial rights in the area.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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