Green Banking - Capacity Building for Green Energy and Climate Finance
In developing and emerging countries, financial resources for expanding sources of renewable energy and for energy efficiency measures are often lacking, since banks and investors lack expertise in such technologies. The end result is that risks are overestimated and projects do not come to fruition. The Green Banking initiative tackles this problem by offering an extensive programme of scholarships and further training that covers all aspects of green and climate financing. A key focus of the programme is training to become a certified ‘Green Energy Finance Specialist’, which is aimed at bank employees and independent investors. The course is also supplemented by a train-the-trainer and mentoring programme to selected participants to ensure a sustainable knowledge transfer into banks and financial institutions.
- Countries
- Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, South Africa, Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand
- IKI funding
- 8,049,261.49 €
- Duration
- 11/2015 till 08/2026
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)
- Political Partner
- Department of Energy (DOE) - Philippines
- Diverse climate change relevant institutions in the respective partner countries/Diverse klimarelevante Institutionen in den entsprechenden Partnerländern
- Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) - Indonesia
- Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) - Peru
- Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
- Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) - Viet Nam
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - India
State of implementation/results
- Since 2023, the Green Banking project entered a new phase and is expanding its project scope: whereas the first project roll-out concentrated on large-scale project financing directed to financial institutions, the current project phase will also deliver training formats for small and medium-scale projects as well as target project developers. The activities will be implemented in Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Viet Nam and South Africa.
- Between 11/2015 - 04/2019 and 11/2018 – 11/2023, the Green Banking project was successfully implemented in South Asia and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) and in Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador).
- RENAC offers the Green Banking Trainings under the umbrella of IFC's Green Banking Academy (IFC–GBAC), which aims to guide and support banks in their transformation to a "Green Bank".
- The Master of Business Management with a focus on Green Energy and Climate Finance was created and successfully implemented together with the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR). Through IKI scholarships, 20 students (former GEFS graduates) were able to participate at a substantially reduced tuition fee.
- Latin America
- Following the successful implementation in Asia with over 600 participants, the project was also been successfully implemented in Latin America. The training formats offered were oversubscribed in all years: e.g., in 2021, over 370 people applied for the originally planned 60 places within the Green Energy Finance Specialist training programme. 44% of the 125 scholarships ultimately available were awarded to women.
- The overwhelming demand for Green Banking trainings highlights the increased awareness of sustainable financial instruments and the importance of promoting green energy projects in the region.
- South Asia and Southeast Asia
- By the end of the implementation period in 2019, a total of 827 scholarships were awarded to the target group in the five partner countries and 597 people had participated in one or more training opportunities.
- At the end of the project period, one-day alumni conferences were held in March/ April 2019 in each country.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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