Sustainable Energy Transition in Indonesia (SETI)

The project will support Indonesia in decarbonizing carbon-intensive energy users through integrated renewable energy and energy efficiency applications in energy consumption hot spots. Through collaboration with partner institutions at national and regional levels, it will support an inclusive policy-making process for the development of regulatory frameworks and support mechanisms. A finance support facility and innovative business models will catalyse sustainable energy investment. The demonstration of innovative technologies and business cases will encourage private sectors to replicate successful renewable energy and energy efficiency approaches and help boost Indonesia's global competitiveness. Finally, learning networks anchored at local stakeholders and business associations will provide public knowledge, empower innovation, and facilitate the upscaling of promising user cases.

Project data

IKI funding
15,000,000.00 €
10/2022 till 07/2028
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) - Indonesia
Implementing Partner
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
  • Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Indonesia (LPEM UI)
  • Institute for Essential Services Reform - (Indonesien
  • World Resources Institute Foundation Indonesia
  • Yayasan Indonesia Cerah

State of implementation/results

  • Regular exchange with the main political partner established to map energy transition policy gaps from Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency regulations in industry and the building sector.
  • Submitted the draft for new Government Regulation No. 33 Derivative on Energy Management (EM) to the political partners’ legal department after conducting Focus Group Discussions and Public Hearings with concerned stakeholders. The regulation stipulates mandatory energy management procedures for industries and buildings and was technically reviewed by the project.
  • Investment Discovery Workshop held to empower the private sector financing the energy transition by unlocking green financing instruments. The workshop showed private sectors’ needs for financing clean energy initiatives, reflected on existing financing instruments, barriers and green investment concerns. SETI contributed to the Guidelines for Sustainable Energy Project Financing for Financial Services Institutions: Electricity Sector, Solar Power Generation.
  • The project conducted Focus Group Discussions on challenges and opportunities of sustainable energy planning in two candidate pilot cities (Surabaya and Palembang) and engagement with city governments on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy implementation. Next steps will be to engage with additional candidate pilot cities (Makassar, Batam, and South Tangerang) have been initiated.
  • Outreach conducted through relevant associations to private and public sector entities requesting support in Energy Efficiency measures and Renewable Energy deployment to identify scalable and replicable pilot projects from demand side.
  • SETI organised two sessions on Industrial Decarbonization and Energy Efficiency (EE) in the Built Environment as part of the Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2024. Discussing EE as an available yet under-utilized opportunity to decarbonize businesses in Indonesia. (…)
  • In collaboration with the Investment Committee of the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, SETI organised the Sustainable Energy Investment Day, as part of the Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2024. The investment day encompasses various key topics on renewable energy investments, including on supporting policy and regulation, accelerating supply and demand, crucial roles of financial institutions, as well as lessons learned from renewable energy projects. A renewable energy business matchmaking event was also organised in a parallel session, involving project owners and financiers from various renewable energy sectors. --*

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