URBAN: Urban Resilience Building and Nature: Innovating Urban Planning for Resiliency with Nature-based Solutions and Climate Risk Models in Thailand

Thailand has been identified as one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change. The project's goal is that urban areas and wider landscapes in which they are embedded enjoy significantly enhanced social, economic and environmental resilience to climate change impacts through the wide-scale adoption of NbS. The project will make a significant contribution to climate change adaptation in up to six local administrative organizations in two provinces in Thailand by addressing spatially-explicit identified risks. Adaptation will be enhanced through a variety of potential NbS measures, including wetland restoration, conservation and management, enhanced management of urban environment, forest and mangrove restoration, the creation of urban protected areas and green spaces, and sustainable land use plans. The aim will be to develop cost-effective, replicable models that can be scaled and applied elsewhere in Thailand.

Project data

IKI funding
7,000,000.00 €
08/2022 till 10/2028
Implementing organisation
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Asia Regional Office (ARO) - Thailand
Political Partner
  • Department of Water Resources (DWR), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Thailand
Implementing Partner
  • Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) - Thailand
  • Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)
  • Thailand Environment Institute Foundation (TEI)
  • Urban Design and Development Center (UddC) - Thailand

State of implementation/results

  • The project was launched on 17.01.2023 in a meeting with over 70 representatives from government agencies and stakeholders in Bangkok.
  • Surat Thani and Chiang Rai were selected as pilot provinces for project implementation based on a site research and analysis.
  • In 2023, the project established its governance structure at two levels: at national level, the “Project Steering Committee (PSC)” oversees project activities while the “Provincial Advisory Committees (PAC)” provides political stakeholder advisory on provincial level. At both levels, the project engages strategic political partners in line with potential project interventions.
  • In 2023, three capacity building events on Nature-based Solutions (NbS), Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), urban planning and other related issues on adaptation and urban resilience were organised for government partners at the national policy level in Bangkok in order to enhance understanding of relevant topics and to prepare the participants for their role in the PSC. In total, over 150 participants attended the trainings.
  • At the provincial level, the project partners conducted four training events for relevant project stakeholders to strengthen understanding of effects of climate change in urban wetlands, NbS and EbA as well as the urban agenda in the 21st century. In total, 125 participants attended the trainings.
  • RECOFTC conducted a preliminary landscape survey and assessment to consider potential NbS measures in the pilot provinces, resulting in four potential sub-districts in Chiang Rai, (more than 14,000 hectares), and seven potential sub-districts in Surat Thani, (more than 21,000 hectares).

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