Oasis platform for climate and catastrophe risk assessment - Asia

The Philippines and Bangladesh are significantly threatened by weather extremes. In the two countries mentioned, there were no adequate disaster models for floods or typhoons. In order to build transparent and standardised disaster models to modulate weather-related damage and loss, the project provided expertise and methods to regional stakeholders. The models are to be used to calculate the probability of a climate event in order to provide the basis for a risk calculation for potential market entries of reinsurance. The risk in question could then be responded to with a well thought-out decision towards mitigation, adaptation or risk transfer. On the Oasis open source cat model platform, the project provides a flood model for the Philippines and a typhoon model for Bangladesh. In addition, all data has been published globally through an eMarket called the Oasis Hub.

Project data

Bangladesh, Philippines
IKI funding
2,767,207.09 €
07/2018 till 12/2020
Implementing organisation
Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
Political Partner
  • Bangladesh Meteorological Department - Bangladesh
  • Climate Change Commission (CCC) - Philippines
  • Department of Disaster Management (DDM) - Bangladesh
  • Ministry of Environment and Forests - Bangladesh
  • Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) - Philippine
Implementing Partner
  • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. - PIK) - Germany

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Initial milestones achieved with preliminary modelling simulations, field visits to historic cyclone sites, and data collection and sharing between international partners. During 2020, the project completed technical work and focused on capacity building and translating results into policy and decision-making. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, OASIS increased the scope of online capacity building and online communication and planned to postpone the remaining workshops in the two partner countries until the end of 2020.
  • An overview of the project: oasislmf.org/...
  • Developments in climate risk insurance continued to grow; there was recognition of the need for publicly available data to make climate risk management systems the focus of national and international liabilities.
  • In September 2019, at the UN Climate Change Summit, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the UK Department for International Development (DfID) and the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) announced the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) would increase commitments for insurance coverage for countries most affected by climate change, in line with InsuResilience Vision 2025 targets. Up to 20 particularly poor and vulnerable countries will be supported through better data and technical assistance, and by scaling up insurance specifically for poor people.
  • The 15th International Conference on Inclusive Insurance for Emerging Economies - "Managing Climate Risk" was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 5 to 7 November 2019. The conference was held in collaboration with Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) the Microinsurance Network and InsuResilience Global Partnership with around 450 participants. Oasis participated in the conference and presented the Open Modelling Platform for Bangladesh, which was of great interest to the audience of insurers, NGOs, national and local government departments and development agencies. - Multi-day capacity building workshops on climate risk modelling and with the Institute of Water and Flood Management of the University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) were held in Bangladesh in June 2019 and in the Philippines in November 2019. Materials on this are available here: www.pik-potsdam.de ~ menz / IKI-Oasis / Capacity_building /. Very positive feedback was received, and in response to demand, further workshops were planned for 2020.
  • Regular Webex trainings with a range of stakeholders in each of the target countries at technical and decision-making level were planned until 2020.
  • Visiting expert exchanges continued in 2020 with additional participants from Bangladesh and the Philippines to the implementation partner of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). These multi-week visits built deep expertise on the visitor's capacity to model climate impacts.
  • Continued regular multi-stakeholder dialogue initiated in 2018 and 2019 through workshops and field events that brought together international reinsurance brokers and local insurance markets with international and national scientific partners, policy stakeholders and NGOs from each country.
  • The technical innovations and lessons learned were shared with the broader risk community at the World Bank Conference on Understanding Risk in Singapore, which was postponed to November 2020 due to the COVID 19 outbreak.
  • The Oasis Loss Modelling Framework platform and documentation can be downloaded for free from the open-access GitHub website with user manual:
  • oasislmf.github.io;
  • github.com/…
  • All news updates are posted on the Oasis website and Twitter channel oasislmf.org/… Newsletters and links to all materials delivered in the project.
  • Key presentations and reports can be accessed via Dropbox: www.dropbox.com/…

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