Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change II (C4 II)
The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector is one of the fastest growing sectors regarding greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. Given its large mitigation potential, the RAC sector should play a critical role in formulating NDCs. Yet, in practice, holistic approaches focusing on both climate-friendly refrigerants and appliance efficiency measures are rare. The project therefore assists policymakers in designing national mitigation strategies for the RAC sector to meet the rising ambition levels in updated NDCs. By creating synergies between the UNFCCC and the Montreal Protocol, the RAC sector can contribute significantly towards reaching the 1,5°C target. Building on long-standing cooperation and transformation processes already initiated, the project improves national structures in the partner countries, aiming to include the RAC sector in NDC strategies, with best practices being replicated and transferred across countries and regions.
- Countries
- Costa Rica, Grenada, Philippines
- IKI funding
- 2,900,000.00 €
- Duration
- 07/2021 till 06/2025
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Philippines
- Energy Division, Ministry of Finance and Energy - Grenada
- Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
State of implementation/results
- Establishment of a help desk to provide ad-hoc assistance on Green Cooling related tools and methods.
- Through the "NDC4 Call for Proposals", additional countries are supported with technical advisory in the application of best practices for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) strategy development.
- Launch of the NDC4 online-seminar series to illustrate tools, methods, and best practice examples for designing and implementing more ambitious NDCs in the cooling sector.
- A trainer from the Federal Technical School for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning conducted site visits to Costa Rican training centres (08/2022) to advise on key elements and share best practices to successfully implement trainings with natural refrigerants. In 09/2022, two national trainings on natural refrigerants with 22 participants from the three national training institutes took place. The training modules constructed during the training were provided to different training institutes in Costa Rica and are now successfully used in practical sessions of the RAC technician qualification.
- Four trainers from Costa Rica, three trainers from Grenada and one trainer from Barbados participated in the “Cool Training” at the Federal Technical School for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (BFS) in Maintal, Germany. The two-weeks training focuses on the application and safe use of natural refrigerants in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. Trainers will apply concepts and knowledge in the trainings directed to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) technicians and implemented by national training institutes.
- The project has so far hosted several side-events at conferences relevant to the topic of sustainable cooling:
- Side event at the 44th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG44) to present the qualification programmes "Cool Training" and "Fit for Green Cooling".
- Side event at the 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP34) on “Methodologies and Services for the RAC sector integration into NDCs” in cooperation with the IKI project Green Cooling Initiative III (GCI III).
- Side event at the 45th meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties in Bangkok (OEWG) on “Effective Emission Reduction through Energy Efficiency”.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Video: Women in Refrigeration and air conditioning in Grenada
- Report: Women in Grenada are championing change in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector
- Report: Supporting Partner Countries in their Global Cooling Pledge for COP 28
- Recording: OEWG44 side event: The qualification programmes “Cool Training” and “Fit for Green Cooling”
- NDC Helpdesk for the cooling sector
- Report: Cool Training 2022 - photos and quotes from participants
Project relations
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