Green Cooling Initiative III
Rising temperatures, growing populations and increasing prosperity are increasing the global demand for cooling. At the same time, conventional cooling technologies lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and damage to the ozone layer. The project strengthens key actors in public and private sector institutions in the partner countries to make their refrigeration and air conditioning sector sustainable and to achieve their goals within the framework of multilateral agreements such as the Montreal Protocol. In concrete terms, the project supports the implementation of regionally adapted sustainable sector strategies and effectively introduces the issue of sustainable cooling into the national climate discourse. It also makes financing instruments for green cooling technologies more widely available and establishes a training system for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians.
- Countries
- Colombia, Honduras, Kenya, Thailand, Uganda, Viet Nam, Bangladesh
- IKI funding
- 6,500,000.00 €
- Duration
- 08/2021 till 06/2025
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry (MECCF) - Kenya
- Ministry of Environment and Forests - Bangladesh
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Thailand
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Viet Nam
- Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment - Honduras
- Ministry of Water and Environment - Uganda
- National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Uganda
- Implementing Partner
- Kyambogo University Uganda
State of implementation/results
- Side events at relevant conferences:
- 46th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG45) " Market trends on future friendly ACs and heat pumps"
- 45th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG45) "Effective Emission Reduction through Energy Efficiency"
- 35th Conference of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP35) "27 years of Montreal Protocol implementation in Kenya"
- 28th World Climate Conference (COP28) "Avoiding 0.1 degrees Celsius with "Green Split Air Conditioners""
- In October 2023, the third international Green Cooling Summit "Green Cooling Along the Cold Chain" took place with over 1000 registrants.
- An online seminar on safety standards for refrigeration, air conditioning (RAC) and heat pumps took place.
- Co-financing of the production of Proklima "Cool Training" training videos
- On-site training on the use of natural refrigerants:
- In Kenya, a total of 289 RAC technicians and trainers have been trained since 2022. One training course for female RAC technicians was accompanied by Deutsche Welle. In a regional training programme, 19 National Ozone Officers (NOU) were trained in negotiation techniques. Employees of the Kenyan Energy Regulatory Authority (EPRA) were trained on minimum standards. In addition, the project organised awareness raising activities during Ozone Day and “Girl’s Day”. On "Girl’s Day", female RAC technicians encouraged young women and girls to train in the RAC sector. Two stipends for women to train as RAC technicians were awarded.
- In Uganda, 123 RAC technicians and trainers have been trained since 2022.
- In Colombia, 195 RAC technicians and trainers and 30 officials have been trained since 2021.
- In Latin America, three virtual workshops for technicians and engineers on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVACR) were held in 2023.
- In Vietnam, 105 RAC technicians and trainers have been trained since 2023.
- In Bangladesh, 16 trainers have been trained since 2023.
- In Honduras, 340 RAC technicians and trainers as well as 30 officials have been trained since 2022.
- In Thailand, 25 officials have been trained since 2022 as well as 125 RAC technicians. In Thailand the first training course on R290 was also held in February 2023 in cooperation with the energy supplier (EGAT).
- In Kenya, procured tools and equipment were handed over to nine training institutes in March 2023.
- Additional climate-friendly air conditioning and freezer units were donated to the RAC-association UNARA and national training centres in Uganda. 17 air conditioning units were installed in public buildings for the purpose of technology demonstration. The revision of the RAC technology curriculum at UGA Kyambogo University was supported.
- In Colombia, consultancy services were provided to the supermarket sector. Initiatives to reduce climate-damaging F-gases in refrigeration and cooling appliances are to be formulated.
- In Honduras, the ISO 5149 standard was incorporated into national legislation by the standardisation organisation (OHN).
- In Thailand, seven R290 air conditioning systems were installed in the KMUTNB University; energy efficiency is being monitored and compared with previous air conditioning systems.
- In Vietnam, the integration of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector was discussed in the NDC Update 2022.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Video: Green cooling technology with a smaller carbon footprint
- News on the project website: All good things come in threes: Third phase of Green Cooling Initiative started
- Pathway Towards Sustainable Green Cooling of R290 ACs
- Hydrocarbons21
- Regional NOU Officers Negotiation Training held in Nairobi
Project relations
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