Improving, increasing and facilitating access to renewable energy education and training in Latin-America

While many Latin American countries have incorporated the ambitious expansion of renewables as a key element in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), one factor hampering growth in the renewables sector is an ongoing lack of skilled workers. This needs to be addressed by appropriate educational programmes, well-equipped educational establishments and competent educators. For the solar and wind power segments in particular, the project is providing partner countries with help in identifying training needs, improving equipment in educational facilities and ensuring that course materials are up-to-date. The project lead shares project results with their project team members. Universities participating in the project can offer their students a better quality of training over the long term. In turn, course graduates can then apply their domain expertise to help promote the energy transition in many different areas.

Project data

Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Honduras
IKI funding
6,430,000.00 €
03/2019 till 01/2027
Implementing organisation
Latin American Energy Organisation (OLADE)
Political Partner
  • Energy Secretariat of Honduras
  • Ministry for Energy and Mining (MINEM) - Argentina
  • Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) - Peru
  • Ministry of Energy and Mines - Dominican Republic
  • Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
  • Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining - Uruguay
  • Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) – Brazil
  • Ministry of Mining and Energy (MinEnergia) - Colombia
Implementing Partner
  • Federal Institute of Paraíba
  • Global Factor International Consulting S.L.
  • National Autonomous University of Honduras
  • National University of Peru
  • Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)
  • State University of Campinas
  • Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC)
  • University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

State of implementation/results

  • The first and second phases of the project identified the training needs in Latin America, analysed existing curricula for solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind energy and energy efficiency in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Peru and Uruguay and published the results including:
    • Capacity Needs Assessments for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
    • Mapping of Existing Facilities on Education & Training Programmes in Latin America.
    • Existing curricula for the most relevant renewable energy and energy efficiency markets in the region.
  • As of 09/2024 the project delivered numerous training courses:
    • 12 train-the-trainers’ courses in Argentina, Peru and Uruguay in online and face-to-face formats (first phase of the project). The second phase will have several more train-the-trainer courses for the 7 beneficiary countries starting on 2025.
    • 43 online training courses. For 2024, there are still 4 additional courses that are planned.
    • 3 executive development programs – in blended modality. The second phase will include 4 additional executive development programs, two of which will take place by the end of October – 2024.
  • Training centres on wind energy, solar thermal and photovoltaics at Universities in Peru, Argentina and Uruguay have been set up during the first phase of the project. During the second phase of the project besides procuring and installing these technologies in the training centres of the new beneficiary universities, energy efficiency equipment will also be commissioned.
  • The 1st Regional Conference was developed in Quito, Ecuador on June 11, 2019; the 2nd Regional Conference was developed in Quito, Ecuador on July 28, 2022; the 3rd and 4th regional conferences for the second phase will take be held in the last quarter of 2024 and 2026 respectively.
  • The knowledge gateway – capevLAC was developed and officially launched in 2021. During 2024, work is being done to update and improve the knowledge gateway – both structurally and its design. It currently has more than 15,000 users in the region. It merges the training platform and an expert’s network and provides access to courses as well as to the database of professionals.
  • Given that new topics are being introduced in the second phase of the project, now two of the thematic areas of the platform are directly related to the project, which include the “Technologies” and “Just Energy Transition” areas.

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