NDC Action – facilitating implementation of climate-resilient and low-carbon development

Countries around the world strive to exploit the transformative potential of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The NDC Action project offers to address existing obstacles by helping its ten partner countries to translate their NDCs into strategies and measures ready for financing and implementation. The project fosters accelerated climate-friendly investment in two sectors that each partner country prioritises for receiving project support. The project strengthens NDC implementation buy-in, capacity and governance by engaging key stakeholders, providing training and facilitating multi-stakeholder consultations. It supports the development of climate-friendly policies and programmes, green investment plans and draft proposals for climate funds, and provides science-based, policy-relevant information through the Emission Gap Reports. Partner countries will increasingly get access to practical knowledge products and share lessons learned.

Project data

Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Jordan, Mongolia, Morocco, Uganda, Viet Nam
IKI funding
15,957,380.00 €
04/2019 till 12/2025
Implementing organisation
United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment)
Political Partner
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Ghana
  • Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development
  • Ministry of Environment , Green Development and Tourism - Mongolia*
  • Ministry of Environment - Jordan
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
  • Ministry of Environment and Forests - Bangladesh
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning - Ghana
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) - Viet Nam
  • Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation - Jordan
  • Ministry of Planning and Investment - Viet Nam
  • Ministry of Water and Environment - Uganda
  • Undersecretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development - Argentina
Implementing Partner
  • UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

State of implementation/results


  • In Bangladesh, a roundtable discussion on the ambitious actions needed for the updated NDC 2025 in the adaptation sector was held with stakeholders.
  • Cyclone Remal struck Bangladesh’s western coast on 26 May 2024. The Climate Resilient House piloted under the project served as a mini cyclone shelter.
  • A microsite has been created to raise awareness about climate change urgency and relevant initiatives. It represents all activities under the project in Bangladesh, involving stakeholders such as the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). (climate-ndc.brac.net)
  • In 11/2023 the Colombian Government introduced the Accelerator for Climate Action at the Intersectoral Commission of the Presidential Cabinet for Climate Action (CIGPAC), which was officially launched at COP28. This Accelerator initiative was developed based on recommendations from the NDC Action Project.
  • In Costa Rica, the methodology for creating roadmaps for adaptation and decarbonization of companies was published with the endorsement of government authorities, alongside the Business Climate Roadmap Tool, a computational tool aimed at facilitating roadmap creation.
  • In Ghana, a Policy Working Group was set up for the Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) sector with representation from all key government agencies.
  • Policy Brief with IOM and the NDC Partnership on how nations can integrate displaced populations into their national climate change policies and plans published in 08/2023. (www.unep.org/…)
  • In Uganda, the Banana Industrial Research Development Center was awarded a small grant by the Adaptation Fund-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform to further the insurance product for banana farmers.
  • In Viet Nam, the Department of Climate Change and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), in collaboration with UNEP, the Center for Low Carbon Development (VN-LOCAD), and the Center for Climate Change Research (CCRC), held a workshop in 05/2023 in Hanoi on sustainable urban cooling to address extreme heat in Vietnamese cities. (gggi.org/…)
  • In Jordan, a workshop was held in 03/2023 to build and strengthen the capacities of the national stakeholders working in the agriculture sector on all issues related to Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation assessment.
  • In Jordan, the NDC Action Project Technical Working Group was formed in consultation with UNEP, UNEP-CCC, the National Technical Institution, and the Ministry of Environment. The TWG is composed of seven members of pertinent ministries in addition to the Greater Amman Municipality. The first TWG meeting was conducted in 12/2022.
  • In Ghana, a Memorandum of Understanding between UNEP Ghana NDC Action Project represented by Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Transport was signed in December 2022.
  • Two policy briefs on Article 6 were published in 10/2021. (Downloadable on the project website: www.unep.org/…)
  • The project regularly organizes NDC related side events at the annual UNFCCC COP.
  • The project regularly cooperates with the NDC Partnership, e.g. Regional “NDC Clinic” sessions were organized in collaboration, to identify policy, technological and financial solutions for common challenges faced by Asian countries when implementing NDCs. Recordings and further information can be found on the project website. (www.unep.org/…)
  • NDC Action Project annually contributes to the production of UNEP and UNEP-CCC’s flagship publication “Emission Gap Report”. (www.unep.org/…)
  • NDC Action Project co-published the report “Enhancing forest targets and measures in NDCs” in 11/2020 in collaboration with other organizations. (wwf.panda.org/…)
  • The “Pocket Guide to NDCs” was updated and published in 06/2020: (unepdtu.org/…)
  • The project team acts as de-facto entry point of the NDC Partnership to UNEP and coordinated the contribution of six UNEP initiatives/entities to the Climate Action Enhancement Package, facilitating the delivery of 69 support activities for NDC fast-track implementation and revision in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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