Developing capacities for climate policy in Southeast & Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia
Even 30 years after the Framework Convention on Climate Change came into force, the capacities for designing and implementing effective climate policies are still weak in the countries of the project region. The countries are united by the challenge of successfully transforming their economic systems into open market economies while integrating ambitious climate protection policies into national development planning. Above all, there is a lack of personnel and institutional skills and expertise. The project implements measures to raise awareness among decision-makers and improve national framework conditions so that the preconditions for a significant reduction of greenhouse gases are created and economic transformation goals are achieved at the same time. Furthermore, pilot activities and additional individual and small-scale measures are implemented to strengthen capacities that result from concrete needs in the project region.
- Countries
- Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kosovo
- IKI funding
- 17,100,000.00 €
- Duration
- 06/2017 till 12/2024
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Economy - Montenegro
- Ministry of Environment - Moldova
- Ministry of Environment and Tourism – Mongolia
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MoEPA) - Georgia
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources - Ukraine
- Ministry of infrastructure and energy - Albania
- Ministry of sustainable development and tourism - Montenegro
- Implementing Partner
- NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH
State of implementation/results
- First field of action:
- Georgia: In Georgia the project provides advice and support for the development of a national climate strategy and an integrated action plan, the revision of the NDC, the development of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) within the framework of the Energy Community and support to the development of a national climate change law. Work on the climate strategy and action plan as well as consultations on the NDC update was completed. In 2020, a high-level "Climate Change Council" was established. Furthermore, the updated NDC, as well as the draft Climate Strategy 2030 and Action Plan 2021-2023 (CSAP) was adopted and approved by the Government of Georgia in April 2021. On March 4, 2022, the first annual monitoring report on the implementation of the Climate Change Plan was submitted by the Government of Georgia. Discussions on drafting a climate law took place in December 2021 and February 2022, and recommendations for drafting a climate law were derived in a report. Furthermore, the project supported the preparation of an analysis on GHG emission mitigation measures in agriculture, which was completed in February 2022. In 2023, the project advises the Georgian partners on updating the climate action plan for the period from 2024. This will also include other sector-specific studies that the project has prepared as well as the monitoring reports supported by the project on the implementation of the plan (semi-annual report for 2023 has been submitted). Furthermore, the strengthens the technical capacities of the members of the Georgian negotiating delegation for the UNFCCC process.
- Mongolia: One project expert is based in Ulaanbaatar/ Mongolia. Revision of the NDC and Action Plan completed; three scientific studies (batteries, potential of green hydrogen, heat energy Ulaanbaatar) were completed and presented to national stakeholders; The close cooperation with the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism and other government partners on the development of climate protection legislation was intensified and individual draft laws were discussed in interministerial working groups. Moldova: One project expert is based in Chişinău/ Moldova and supports the revision of the draft law on air pollution control, considering the new provisions of the directive on national emission ceilings for certain air pollutants (NEC). Respective work was completed, as well as the advice and support for the transposition of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), the approximation of the EU Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions limitations Directives. The final draft for the transposition of the IED has been submitted to the government for approval. The air quality measuring station donated by the state of Saxony-Anhalt arrived in Chişinău in December. The location for the measuring station was identified and preparations for conducting trainings for national experts on the application of the station took place. Work to support the implementation of EU directives in the context of volatile organic components (VOCs) and in the context of national emission ceilings of certain air pollutants continued through support of the project. In 2023, the project supports the Moldovan partners in developing implementing regulations for the new law on industrial emissions and strengthens the technical capacities of the members of the Moldovan negotiating delegation for the UNFCCC process.
- Moldova: One project expert is based in Chişinău/ Moldova and supports the revision of the draft law on air pollution control, considering the new provisions of the directive on national emission ceilings for certain air pollutants (NEC). Respective work was completed, as well as the advice and support for the transposition of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), the approximation of the EU Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions limitations Directives. The final draft for the transposition of the IED has been submitted to the government for approval. The air quality measuring station donated by the state of Saxony-Anhalt arrived in Chişinău in December. The location for the measuring station was identified and preparations for conducting trainings for national experts on the application of the station took place. Work to support the implementation of EU directives in the context of volatile organic components (VOCs) and in the context of national emission ceilings of certain air pollutants continued through support of the project. In 2023, the project supports the Moldovan partners in developing implementing regulations for the new law on industrial emissions and strengthens the technical capacities of the members of the Moldovan negotiating delegation for the UNFCCC process.
- Albania and Montenegro: In both countries, the project commissions a team of energy system modellers and technical experts to advise and support the Governments in the finalization of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) as part of their Energy Community obligations. Political decision-makers and institutions are to be trained to understand and maintain the modelling underlying their NECP. In both countries, Governments also receive support in the strategic environmental assessments required for the NECPs.
- Energy Community: Under the umbrella of their Memorandum of Understanding, the project seconds a technical advisor to the Secretariat of the Energy Community. The cooperation covers in particular those topics, which are relevant for the work of the Energy and Climate Committee of the Energy Community such as processes towards National Energy and Climate Plans and the full implementation of the Governance Regulation (EU) 2018/1999.
- Ukraine: Inception phase to provide advice and support for the establishment of an EU co-funded Climate Innovation Resource and Consultative Centre (Ukrainian Climate Office (UCO)) has started. UCO was officially opened in October 2023 (project-based). Aim is to support the transition to a climate-neutral, clean, resource-efficient and secure energy supply and use, contributing to the achievement of climate neutrality in Ukraine in 2060. UCO is planned to take over a supporting coordination role for climate policy in Ukraine. Activities were suspended until 09/2022 due to war. Project has supported the financing of the Ukrainian pavilion at UNFCCC COP27 and COP28 as well as the participation of ministerial staff in Sharm El Sheik in November 2022. Project has provided intensive support on climate legislation, organised several events and published a briefing paper on green criteria for investments. It has established itself as an important player in Ukraine's climate policy landscape.
- Small measures to strengthen capacities for climate policies and adaptation strategies to climate change in the countries of the project regions in cooperation with, among others, UNECE "Pathways to Sustainable Energy" phase 1 and 2; BildungsCent e.V on environmental awareness in Albania through an environmental mobile for training and educational activities; OECD on sustainable infrastructure development in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the countries of the Eastern Partnership and on supporting a high-level regional policy dialogue to promote sustainable and integrative energy, water and land use policies in Central Asia; Michael Succow Foundation on the establishment of biosphere reserves in Armenia and Georgia and the organic carbon content of steppe soils in Ukraine; HU Berlin on carbon storage and climate reporting of land use in Central Asia; World Bank in support of Russia's Green Finance Mechanism; Wetlands International on standardized processes for national reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands; German-Kazakh University (DKU) on renewable energies and energy efficiency through a study trip for young scientists and young experts from Central Asia; GIZ Russia conceptual preparation of a pilot an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe management of ash and slag waste and their processing as secondary raw materials; Advising the finalization and sector-specific implementation of Kazakhstan's long-term strategy for carbon neutrality by 2060 through GIZ and sector experts in the fields of metallurgy and renewable energy; Technical and conceptual advice to Mongolia on the development of national climate legislation and the development of model calculations for sector-specific CO2 reduction pathways; Development of a decarbonisation pathway for the transport sector in Moldova; feasibility study and potential analysis to continue support for the regional climate change adaptation strategy in Central Asia (RCCAS); development of a potential analysis and hydrogen strategy for Montenegro; provision of analyses and studies for Kosovo's coal phase-out; funding of the 8. Just Transition Forum in cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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